RE200B tai vastaava PIR elementti Pyrosähköinen IR-anturi 7 - 14 um alueelle
Etusivu > Arduinot, moduulit jne > Opto (LED, hämäräkytkin ym)
Tuote SRB240759. RE200B tai vastaava PIR elementti Pyrosähköinen IR-anturi arduino sovelluksiin ja muihin liikkeentunnistus värkkäilyihin. Katso myös fresnel linssi ja linssimateriaalit.
Operating Voltage 3 to 10 V at Rs = 47 kΩ
Circuit Configuration Three-terminal sensor with source follower.
Appearance TO-5 metal case with hermetic seal
Output balance between elements 15% max at 1 Hz.
Output:> 2.5V (420 ° k blackbody modulation frequency 0.3-3.0Hz 1Hz bandwidth of 72.5db gain).
Spectral Response determined by filter
Filter Substrate Silicon
Transmission > 70% average in 7 ... 14 µm range
Cut on wavelength 5.0 + 0.5 µm at 5% T abs.
Test Conditions: VDD = 5.0 V, Tamb = 25 C, unless otherwise noted.
Size: 8.3 * 4.2mm
Sensitive element area: 2.0 × 1.0mm2
Substrate material: Silicon
Substrate thickness: 0.5mm
Noise: <200mV (mVp-p) (25 ℃)
Current: 8.5-24μA (VD = 10V, Rs = 47kω, 25 ℃)
Source voltage :0.4-1 .1 V (VD = 10V, Rs = 47kω, 25 ℃)
Operating temperature: -20 ℃ – +70 ℃
Storage temperature: -35 ℃ – +80 ℃
Field: 139 ° × 126 °
General Description
The RE 200B is a passive infrared sensor designed to pick up heat radiation of wave lengths in a band around 10 microns. It contains two active elements configured as balanced differential series opposed type. This results in good compensation of environmental temperature and excellent sensitivity for small changes of a spatial temperature pattern. Thermal signals far below one microwatt are sufficient to trigger a sufficient output voltage change.
Functional Description
If the active elements of the PIR sensor are exposed to a change in the surrounding temperature field, electrical charges are separated within the sensor elements. The voltage across the sensors controls a J-FET source follower impedance converter and thus modulates the output current of the PIR detector.
The spectral sensitivity of the sensor is controlled by the optical transfer characteristics of the window in the case and has been optimized to pick up radiation of the human body.
Lisää tietoa mm. täältä:
Tässä osoitteessa paljon asiallista tieto yleisesti PIR ilmaisimista.
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