0,96 tuuman I2C OLED-näyttö 128x64 valkoinen SSD1306 ohjain
Etusivu > Arduinot, moduulit jne > Näytöt (OLED, LCD, LED)
Tuote 100233. 0,96 tuuman I2C OLED-näyttö 128x64 valkoinen SSD1306 ohjain. The 0.96" OLED displays are perfect when you need an ultra-small display. It is an OLED monochrome 128×64 dot matrix display module with I2C Interface. The characteristics of this display module are high brightness, self-emission, high contrast ratio, slim outline, wide viewing angle, wide temperature range, and low power consumption.
The driver chip SSD1306 communicates via I2C only. it compatible with any 3.3v-5V microcontroller, such as the Arduino.
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