Arduino yhteensopiva CNC Shield v3 paikat neljälle A4988 tai DRV8825 ohjainmoduulille
Etusivu > Arduinot, moduulit jne > Shieldit
Tuote 101715. Arduino yhteensopiva CNC Shield v3 paikat neljälle A4988 tai DRV8825 ohjainmoduulille. Askelmoottoreiden ohjaukseen mm. CNC -koneet, 3 -D tulostimet jne ... Paljon tietoa netissä.
- CNC Shield for Arduino allows you to connect
- 4 stepper motors for X, Y, Z, X-Can axes - (additional drivers A4988, DRV8825 or others required)
- Allows control of direction of rotation and speed
- 2 x ends for each axis - 6 in total
- Milling machine spindle control - oborty and direction
- Coolant or cooktop control
- Control buttons
- Circuit easy to assemble - just plug into Arduino
- Shield allows the connection of an additional power supply, thus separating the power supply to the motors from the power supply to the logic.
- Works with GRBL 0.8c software -
- The board has a description of the leads which makes it easy to connect correctly.
- Power supply for motors 12-36V DC (depending on the motor controller)
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