TC-tyylinen kaula, vaahtera, muotoilematon lapa, 21 nauhaa, TC MAPLE 21 FRET
Main Page > Parts for musical instruments > Kaulat
TC-tyylinen kaula TC MAPLE 21 FRET muotoilematon lapa. Ei ylätallaa/satulaa. Kokonaan vaahteraa, The neck is made from Canadian maple with a maple fingerboard. A maple cap neck is what was used in the late '60s and can be found on some custom shop guitars nowadays.
This neck has a dual action trussrod installed so you can set the guitar up for perfect playability.
The fingerboard radius of 9,5" is used in most USA-made guitar necks of this type. It is comfortable and aloows for a low action and great playability.
The jumbo frets have been levelled and only need crowning and final polishing.
The paddle headstock allows you to make your own design and stand out from the crowd.
The tuner holes are 10 mm, allowing for modern machine heads. If you prefer vintage type machine heads, you will need conversation bushings.
Neck width is 42mm, the width of the heel is 61mm, conform all standard guitar bodies. The nut is not installed.
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