RGB LED moduuli SMD LED common cathode ei etuvastuksia
Etusivu > Elektroniikka > Komponentit (aktiivi, passiivi, opto) > LED / Optokomponentit > LED
Tuote SRG240829. RGB LED moduuli SMD LED common cathode ei etuvastuksia.
Etuvastusten koot esim.
Rf (3,3V) [Green]= 100Ω
Rf (3,3V) [Red]= 180Ω
Rf (3,3V) [Blue]= 100Ω
[for example using of ARM CPU-Core based microcontroller like Raspberry-Pi]
Rf (5V) [Green] = 120Ω
Rf (5V) [Red] = 180Ω
Rf (5V) [Blue] = 120Ω
[for example using of Atmel Atmega based microcontroller like Arduino]
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