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LilyPad RGB LED common cathode etuvastuksilla myös e -tekstiileihin jne ...

Etusivu > Elektroniikka > Komponentit (aktiivi, passiivi, opto) > LED / Optokomponentit > LED

LilyPad RGB LED common cathode etuvastuksilla myös e -tekstiileihin jne ...
LilyPad RGB LED common cathode etuvastuksilla myös e -tekstiileihin jne ...
LilyPad RGB LED common cathode etuvastuksilla myös e -tekstiileihin jne ...
Toimituskulut alk.
3,00 €
2,39 € ALV 0,00 %

Tuote SLL240849. LilyPad RGB LED common cathode etuvastuksilla myös e -tekstiileihin jne ...

Blink any color you need! Use the Tri-Color LED board as a simple indicator, or by pulsing the red, green, and blue channels, you can create any color. Very bright output. This is a common anode design - to turn on a channel you simply need to ground one of the R/G/B pins to illuminate that channel. LilyPad is a wearable technology developed by Leah Buechley and cooperatively designed by Leah and SparkFun. Each LilyPad was creatively designed to have large connecting pads to allow them to be sewn into clothing.Various input, output, power, and sensor boards are available. They\\'re even washable!

Size:(L*W*H)2.00*2.00*0.30cm/0.79"*0.79"*0.12" Size for manual measurement, there may be a 0 to 1 cm error, belongs to the normal phenomenon.


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