CJMCU ATTiny85 (LilyTiny / LilyPad) micro USB wearable projects e-tekstiili
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Tuote SCJ241029. CJMCU ATTiny85 (LilyTiny / LilyPad) micro USB wearable projects e-tekstiili. HUOMAA ! Tämä ei ole pelkkä LilyTiny. Alan ihmiset tietää miten tätä käytetään.
Compared to the LilyTiny board, programming is simpler because a USB cable is used instead of an AVR programmer.
Processor: ATTiny85
2 kB of available memory for the Arduino program
Dimensions: diameter 25mm, thickness 4mm
GPIO: 5 (1 reserved for Reset required for programming)
Connector: micro USB
1 red power-on LED
1 red LED connected to GPIO1
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