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LilyPad Arduino 328 main board e-tekstiili piirilevy

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LilyPad Arduino 328 main board e-tekstiili piirilevy
LilyPad Arduino 328 main board e-tekstiili piirilevy
LilyPad Arduino 328 main board e-tekstiili piirilevy
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Delivery costs from
15,00 €
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Tuote SLL241059. LilyPad Arduino 328 main board e-tekstiili piirilevy.

The LilyPad Arduino 328 Main Board is an Arduino-programmed microcontroller designed to be easily integrated into e-textiles and wearable projects. It offers the same functionality you find in other Arduino boards, in a lightweight, round package designed to minimize snagging and profile, with wide tabs that can be sewn down and connected with conductive thread.

The LilyPad Arduino consists of an ATmega328 with the Arduino bootloader and a minimum number of external components to keep it as small (and as simple) as possible. This board will run from 2V to 5V and offers large pin-out holes that make it easy to sew and connect. Each of these pins, with the exception of (+) and (-), can control an attached input or output device (like a light, motor, or switch).


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