Joystick Shield for Arduino Expansion Board Analog Keyboard and Mouse Function
Etusivu > Elektroniikka > Kytkimet > Joystick sauvaohjaimet
Tuote SLK242159. No tämähän on lyhyesti sanottuna seuraavanlainen ja asiaan perehtyneet tietävät mitä tällä tehdään.
Joystick Shield for Arduino Expansion Board Analog Keyboard and Mouse Function.
Direct plug puzzle board, NO soldering needed. Five momentary push buttons (4+ joystick select button, just like the playstation 3 analog stick push button).
The push buttons are connected to Arduino digital pins 2-6; the related pin will be low when a certain button is pressed.
Joystick Y-Axis movement will produce a proportional analog voltage on analog pin 0, while, Joystick X-Axis movement will produce a analog signal on analog pin 1.
Add RF interface of nRF24L01
Add Nokia 5110 LCD interface, this is very convenient for game development
Add Bluetooth module interface to facilitate Bluetooth wireless serial communication
Add I2C communication interface to facilitate the connection of I2C devices
Shield has 1 PS2 button cross rocker, 4 circular buttons, and 2 small buttons. Arduino provides input extensions for joysticks and buttons. The onboard switch can be switched between 3.3V and 5V. This module can be used on other 3.3V microcontroller platforms such as the STM32.
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