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6550A-STR REDBASE, TAD-Tubes Premium Matched

Etusivu > Uutta 1/2025

6550A-STR REDBASE, TAD-Tubes Premium Matched
6550A-STR REDBASE, TAD-Tubes Premium Matched
6550A-STR REDBASE, TAD-Tubes Premium Matched
Toimituskulut alk.
72,00 €
57,37 € ALV 0,00 %

Laadukas nyky 6550! Toimii erinomaisesti bassovahvistimissa. Luotettavimpia nyky 6550:a. Toimitetaan sovitettuina pareina / nelikkoina / kuusikkoina.

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- Jos tilaat 4 kpl, toimitamme sovitetun nelikon
- Jos tilaat 6 kpl, tomitamme sovitetun kuusikon
Remake of the Classical GE6550A - TAD 6550A-STR REDBASE - depth, power & detail in perfection
The breathtakingly large and precise sound as well as its straightforward appearance make the new TAD 6550A-STR REDBASE the first choice for high-end audio applications. The 6550A-STR REDBASE is also perfect for powerful bass guitar amplifiers. It delivers a natural and three-dimensional tone with exceptional depth, pleasant warmth and fine, subtle highs.
The TAD 6550A-STR REDBASE is a true remake of the classic American GE 6550A tube with a heavy, straight glass bulb, classic construction, metal base and excellent linearity.
It is characterised by an extremely balanced, natural tone throughout all frequencies and helps to create a very lively sound with an incredibly powerful bass range and fine brilliance in the relaxed treble range.
The TAD 6550A-STR REDBASE meets or exceeds the specifications of the classic 6550A tubes and can be used in any 6550 application with excellent performance.
The REDBASE series features gold-plated control grids for outstanding performance and reliable stability with an absolute low noise floor.

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FI-90500, Oulu
puh. +358-8-5565 858
Y-tunnus: 2099893-9