SP-Elektroniikka ... Pienen puuhastelijan asialla jo vuodesta 1984

Inlay dots pearl dots Genuine White Mother of Pearl 6.35 mm

Main Page > Parts for musical instruments > Fretboard dots inlay dots

Inlay dots pearl dots Genuine White Mother of Pearl   6.35 mm
Inlay dots pearl dots Genuine White Mother of Pearl   6.35 mm
Inlay dots pearl dots Genuine White Mother of Pearl   6.35 mm
Inlay dots pearl dots Genuine White Mother of Pearl   6.35 mm
Inlay dots pearl dots Genuine White Mother of Pearl   6.35 mm
Product code
Delivery costs from
0,85 €
0,68 € VAT 0,00 %

Tuote 109721. Inlay dots pearl dots Genuine White Mother of Pearl  6.35mm OTEMOP63. White "pearl" (MOP) round fretboard marks. Genuine White Mother of Pearl fretboard dots. Selected AA Grade. Especially the US size, or if the drill has "slipped" and 6mm is a slightly small mop diameter, especially when repeating the edge board brands. Mother of pearl dots are with natural swirls and figuring.


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SP-Elektroniikka Oy
Merikoskenkatu 12
FI-90500, Oulu
tel. +358-8-5565 858
Business ID: 1007918-9